Grounding is a technique that helps us reorient to the here-and-now, to bring us into the present.
Grounding techniques are particularly useful when you feel overwhelmed, intensely anxious, or dissociated from your environment.
The goal of an exercise like this is to bring you into the present moment. This means moving away from the anxious thoughts about the future and away from depressive thoughts about the past. It means putting down your expectations, your hopes, and your fears. To be grounded is simply to be present in this moment.
Almost always, we are safe in the present moment. It is healing to our brains and bodies to take a pause and remind ourselves of this fact. I often say to my clients “right here right now you are safe.”
The “5-4-3-2-1 exercise” is a common sensory awareness grounding exercise that many find to be a helpful tool to relax or to get through difficult moments.
This is my go-to technique for teaching clients how to ground themselves.
Here’s how you do it:
- Describe 5 things you see in the room right now
- Name 4 things you can physically feel right now (e.g. “my feet on the floor”)
- Name 3 things you hear right now (e.g. “traffic outside”)
- Name 2 things you can smell right now
- Name 1 thing you can taste right now (e.g. “toothpaste”)
You will hopefully feel calmer and more at ease by the end of the exercise. Repeat the 5 steps more than once if needed.
Try out the technique in different situations, you may find it works well for insomnia, anxiety, cravings, or for general relaxation.
If you’ve tried self-help techniques like this and are still struggling, please consider reaching out to us. Our highly-skilled therapists are eager to help you find the peace and comfort that you are seeking.
Click here for a printable version of the 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique
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