Writings on the Wall:
A space for both therapists and clients to share our stories.
We all share a common story – our individual journey to become the best version of ourselves.
So why is it that your story seems the most difficult one to share with others?
It’s a simple answer – we can’t share what we don’t know.
Every story is unique, intimate, and begins in it’s own way. Every story has its own cast of characters, plot twists, and is filled with diverse lessons based on who you are and who you want to be. Every story is the journey taken to become your best self.
Have hope – in the knowledge that while this is your story, we are all writing our own. We are all connected by this shared experience and we grow from sharing our stories with one another.
Please email us if you would like to share something here; a part of your story, a lesson learned, or difficulty you overcame. Or simply subscribe to hear from others, gain insight, and above all be reminded – you are never alone.
When to Start Couples Therapy
You’re in a relationship and not sure if you’re happy.You know that you like your [...]
The material provided on this page, along with other website components, are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to serve as a substitute for therapy, seeking proper medical care, assessment, diagnosis, or treatment. This page is not an emergency service. If you believe that you have an emergency (health, mental health, domestic violence, or otherwise), please call 911 immediately.